Consistently Convert Traffic into Customers and Grow Your Business

A sales conversion system specifically designed to give you the real-time data you need to improve performance and increase revenue

Stop Leaving Money on the Table!

You know you need to convert more traffic into customers, but you find it overwhelming and frustrating to track your key performance metrics. Well, it doesn’t have to be this way. We believe every good retailer deserves an effective sales conversion system!


Join the thousands of retail sales pros who trust Doorcounts

43 New and Improved Features

With a Total of 975 Features Across 8 Categories, no other Retail CRM Comes Close




Adjusted Sales Amount

• Draw a Sketch

• Attach Document, Spreadsheet, Photo, Video


Credits/Adjustments/Returns Amount
Customer Information

• Name, address, email, phone

• Location & department

• Sales person

• Advertising

• Product category

• Estimated potential value

• Probability

Instantly Toggle to/from Scheduled Actions Page
Follow Up With Prospective Customers

• View customer contact information

• View Scheduled Actions

• Update Scheduled Actions

• View Prospect History

• Send email to customer

• Send Podium request to customer


Track Scheduled Actions by Store/Salespeople

Update Customer Detail Information
Add Attachment to Customer

• Add sketch to customer

• Add new appointment for customer

• Add note about customer


Prospect History

• Sales

• Potential sales

• Scheduled actions

• Emails

• Notes

• Podium requests & reviews


Sales Transactions Report
Send Podium Feedback Request to Customer
See a List of Full Features
var ss_form = {'account': 'MzawMDE3MTYzBQA', 'formID': 'M7M0NTAxMEjRTbUwSdI1MTc217WwMLLQTTU3NDAwS0pMSjQxAgA'}; ss_form.width = '100%'; ss_form.height = '1000'; ss_form.domain = ''; // ss_form.hidden = {'field_id': 'value'}; // Modify this for sending hidden variables, or overriding values // ss_form.target_id = 'target'; // Optional parameter: forms will be placed inside the element with the specified id // ss_form.polling = true; // Optional parameter: set to true ONLY if your page loads dynamically and the id needs to be polled continually.

What Metrics Are You Tracking?

69 real-time charts and reports track 75 different metrics, so you can make more sales! Believe it or not, 78% of the retailers we surveyed during a recent webinar said they did not know their sales conversion rate.

Do You Know your Sales Conversion Rate?


You’ll not only know your sales conversion rate, you will know 75 other essential metrics—real-time, right on your smartphone.

69 Real-Time Charts and Reports
Tracking 75 Metrics

  1. Actual Visit Date
  2. Add-On Sales by Count of Transactions
  3. Add-On Sales by Location & Salesperson
  4. Add-On Sales by Percent of Sale Amount
  5. Add-On Sales by Percent of Transactions
  6. Add-On Sales by Value
  7. Adjusted Sales by Location & Salesperson
  8. Advertising by Location & Salesperson
  9. Advertising by No Sales
  10. Advertising by Potential Sales
  11. Advertising by Sales
  12. Assigned Customers by Location & Salesperson
  13. Average Counts by Day
  14. Average Counts by Door
  15. Average Counts by Location & Salesperson
  16. Average Counts by Weekday
  17. Average Sale by Location & Salesperson
  18. Average Sale by Monthly Comparison
  19. Average Sale by Sales Staff Rank
  20. Average Time With Customers by Location & Salesperson (All)
  21. Average Time With Customers by Location & Salesperson (No Sales)
  22. Average Time With Customers by Location & Salesperson (Potential Sales)
  23. Average Time With Customers by Location & Salesperson (Sales)
  24. Comments by Location & Salesperson
  25. Counts by Day
  1. Counts by Hour
  2. Counts by Location & Salesperson
  3. Credits by Location & Salesperson
  4. Custom Metrics by Location & Salesperson
  5. Customer Follow-Up Method
  6. Dashboard (multiple metrics by Location & Salesperson)
  7. Estimated Value
  8. Exclude Reasons by Location & Salesperson
  9. Exclude Reasons by Time Excluded
  10. Excluded Counts by Location & Salesperson
  11. Executive View (Real-Time Metrics across all Locations and Salespeople)
  12. In Process Customers by Location & Salesperson
  13. Next Action
  14. No Sale Reasons by Location & Salesperson
  15. No Sale Stage by Location & Salesperson
  16. No Sales by Location & Salesperson
  17. Opportunities by Location & Salesperson
  18. Podium Reviews Received by Number of Stars and by Location & Salesperson
  19. Podium Reviews Sent by Location & Salesperson
  20. Potential Sales by Location & Salesperson
  21. Probability
  22. Product Category by Location & Salesperson
  23. Prospecting Percent by Location & Salesperson
  24. Reassign Reason by Location & Salesperson
  1. Reassigned Opportunities by Location & Salesperson
  2. Recent Visit Date
  3. Reject Reason by Location & Salesperson
  4. Rejected Opportunities by Location & Salesperson
  5. Returning Customers by Location & Salesperson
  6. Returns by Location & Salesperson
  7. Revenue Per Opportunity by Location & Salesperson
  8. Revenue Per Opportunity by Monthly Comparison
  9. Revenue Per Opportunity by Sales Staff Rank
  10. Sale / Potential / No Sale by Location & Salesperson
  11. Sales by Location & Salesperson
  12. Sales Conversion by Location & Salesperson
  13. Sales Conversion by Monthly Comparison
  14. Sales Conversion by Sales Staff Rank
  15. Sales Vs. Opportunities by Location & Salesperson
  16. Sales Vs. Opportunities by Monthly Comparison
  17. Sales Vs. Opportunities by Sales Staff Rank
  18. Salesperson Status (Logged In, Available, With Customer, Off the Board, Gone Home, Etc.)
  19. Scheduled Action Date
  20. Scheduled Action Status by Location & Salesperson
  21. Scheduled Actions by Location & Salesperson
  22. Time With Customers by Location & Salesperson (Minutes)
  23. Time With Customers by Location & Salesperson (Percent)
  24. Total Sales by Location & Salesperson
  25. Total Sales by Monthly Comparison
  26. Total Sales by Sales Staff Rank

A Major Shift is Happening

Over 70% of your shoppers have visited you online and, chances are, you can see them doing it. Another interesting point is approximately 70% leave without buying. Isn’t it ironic that 70% of your shoppers have researched you and know what they are looking for, and 70% leave without buying? What makes matters worse is, you may never see them the critical moment they walk through your door. 

Do You See Every Sales Opportunity?

What happens when you are not there? Can you see the moment a customer enters your store? Or do you rely on your salespeople to tell you how it went after the customer leaves? Watch this video and see how to never let another sales opportunity walk out the door without connecting.

Watch this 2 minute video and see how it works

Riddle: What do YOU leave when you don’t follow up once a shopper leaves your store?

Answer: Money on the table 

Riddles can be fun, but not when the riddle is about losing sales. But with Doorcounts CRM, you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank. This is because follow-up is so easy, you’ll be connecting to more customers beyond the initial visit and making more money faster than you can say cha-ching!


Did you know the average sales conversion was 33.7% with top performers exceeding 40% in our Q4 Benchmark Report? What was your sales conversion? 


Use this handy calculator and see how much money you are missing out on.


[convertcalculator id="momHT9Rt3fCNL3Eqe"]

“As soon as that camera went in…



Don’t take our word for it, Download this FREE ROI Calculator (Desktop only) and see for yourself. Better yet, Book a Demo and let us show you. OR get Doorcounts CRM today with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Connecting to every sales opportunity is as easy as 1, 2, 3


While a qualified installer sets you up and a dedicated coordinator trains your team.


And just tell us your number of stores, doors and users--we’ll do the rest. 


As you connect to customers, maximize every sales opportunity and make more money.

There are few things in life that produce so much satisfaction, with so little effort as Doorcounts CRM!

Because as we like to say, the only thing more expensive than getting people into your store is not connecting the moment they walk through your door.

Don't Miss Out!

By this time next week, you could be converting your traffic into more sales.

Pick a day that works for you to book a 20 min. demo.
Or give us a call at: (888)8 17-6425.