John Steinbeck said, “Ideas are like rabbits, you get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.”
This is especially true with new ideas about innovation.
A different kind of idea is when something just doesn’t seem right… like there’s something missing. Maybe it’s a sales number that doesn’t make sense or simply the notion your business could be doing better than it is.
Whether it’s about innovation or a sinking suspicion, ideas must reach a point of critical mass before they can be realized.
The term, critical mass, comes from nuclear physics, referring to the smallest mass that can sustain a nuclear reaction at a constant level.
This is the point where you decide to take action… the moment you try something new, like building a prototype, or digging deeper into the data. These initial steps can create a shift that causes a chain reaction of transformation.
As Arnold H. Glasgow said, “An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied.“
The best ideas are the ones that begin as an intuition and, when realized, instantly change the way you see something forever.
With your new insight the path forward is clear. It was there all the time. Your idea just had to reach a point of critical mass.