What would you say to a 1,000% return on your Doorcounts investment (ROI) for every 1% increase you make to your foot-traffic conversion rate?

That’s a minimum of a 10x return on your investment!

Sound too good to be true?

A 1,000% ROI is totally possible. And it’s easy. But, for it to work, you must truly believe in this core principle:

What you measure will improve.

Whether it’s shedding a few unwanted pounds for swimsuit season, qualifying for the Boston Marathon, or improving your business, you need to know where you are and measure your progress to where you are going.

Do you know your current foot-traffic conversion rate?

If not, you are like a lot of the retailers out there who have the most to gain.

Unfortunately, all foot traffic is not created equal, be it a delivery person, a potential customer, or an employee returning from her lunch break. And too often, the only answer to this problem is to focus on getting more traffic.

Because to grow your business all you ever need is more traffic, right?

But maybe you have a “people counter” and you already known your foot-traffic conversion rate. If so, download our Q1 Retail Traffic Benchmark Report and see how you compare to your peers.

SPOILER ALERT: The average conversion rate in our Q1 Retail Traffic Benchmark Report is 25.9%, and the range goes from 16% on the low end to 34% on the high end.

A difference of 18 points!

Think about it. If you are operating at the low end of our report, you have the potential to more than double your business!

To help you figure it out, we created this ROI Calculator. check it out! We went ahead and plugged in a few numbers from our Benchmark Report—to make it easy to compare your business and see your potential ROI.

Even better yet, give us a call or schedule an appointment and we will perform a complete analysis on your business and show you its full potential and how to reach it.

What you’ll get is a clear picture of what is going on with your store traffic and a plan to maximize every sales opportunity.

And best of all…


Still skeptical?

Well let us help you out with the top 3 excuses we hear for not getting Doorcounts:

1) “We have too much going on to implement something new.”

2) “Our salespeople are set in their ways and won’t adapt.”

3) “We don’t like money.”

Just kidding about #3, no one has ever actually said they don’t like money. They just do (or don’t do) a lot of things that make it seem like they don’t like money.

But which excuse do you relate most to?

Chances are none of the above, because if you are still reading, you could actually be one of those rare retailers at the top of our Benchmark Report.

You run your business like a well-oiled machine, 100% operationally efficient, constantly improving every shopping experience and maximizing every sales opportunity. You seek new ways to get better—better insights into your business, new technologies, and modern marketing methods.

Being at the top of your game is even more of a reason to give us a call, schedule a demo or get an analysis. The worst that can happen is we will congratulate you for being a true pro and running a killer business.

Wherever you are on the spectrum in our Q1 Benchmark Report, you can benefit from the insights it provides. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to download your ROI Calculator and see how you can:


Your business counts on converting foot-traffic and connecting to customers. Access your free Benchmark Report and ROI Calculator.