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Welcome to the first edition of our weekly newsletter. This is where each week, the Doorcounts team will share information and insights that will help you convert your foot traffic into more sales.
This week we are proud to share a “mockumentary” style video on traffic blindness and how YOU can recognize the early signs of this silent killer of sales. Watch, enjoy a good laugh, and learn what you can do to cure your traffic blindness and convert your foot traffic into more sales.
Is traffic blindness hurting your sales?
A few days ago we got the idea it would be fun to produce a video series on “traffic blindness–the leading killer of sales for brick-and-mortar retailers everywhere”. The idea came from a conference call with a national furniture retailer. During our call, one of the reps talked about how they tripled a dealer’s foot traffic as soon as they installed Doorcounts. Obviously, Doorcounts didn’t triple their foot traffic. What it did do is open their eyes to what they couldn’t previously see, hence the idea of “traffic blindness” was born.
Happy Thanksgiving!
It is appropriate we are launching our weekly newsletter on the eve of Thanksgiving. Because we are thankful for the opportunity to serve every single one of our customers over the past 8 years. It is through those years of trust and constant feedback from our customers that has made us the success we are today. We are truly thankful for your business and we would like to wish you a happy Thanksgiving.
Dos Marcos does it again!
Check out this episode of the Dos Marcos Mattress Podcast as they share a message of thanks and tell the story about how our very own Jack McCollum came to be apart of our team by writing an ad in the classic style of J. Peterman. We are proud to be a Dos Marcos sponsor and encourage you to join the experience and see how they can help you get more traffic to your store and build a brand people will love.
Announcing the winner of the Nationwide PrimeTime free Doorcounts giveaway.
Congratulations to Karl Tobler with Mattress Warehouse Utah, the winner of the Doorcounts Retail Sales Cloud. May the counts be with you!

Time with customers: One of the biggest points in friction in a retail store is when a salesperson fails to connect with a customer before they leave. The TIME WITH CUSTOMERS chart allows you to dive deep into where your salespeople are spending their time. Not only can you see when a salesperson spoke with a customer, but you can see an average of how much time they spend on a sale, no-sale, or potential sale. There might be a conversation to be had if you notice a salesperson spends 20 minutes on a sale but 60 minutes on a no sale.
DON’T FORGET! For every store you purchase before November 30th, get one FREE! Every store purchased is another store FREE (if you only have one store get 50% off that store). Looking to upgrade? Get 50% off when you upgrade to Doorcounts 3.0 before November 30th! (If you’re already a DC 3.0 customer, CLICK HERE and we’ll perform a traffic analysis to help you turn your foot traffic into more sales.)
As you’re feasting on turkey this holiday, here’s some food for thought…
Big impacts, small changes: Throughout 2020, retailers have been trying to find new ways to bring customers into their stores. With social restrictions going in and out throughout the US, every opportunity with a customer is worth more than ever. Learn how this retailer nearly tripled their sales with these small changes.
Kings of Black Friday: For as long as I can remember, Black Friday has been a day filled with crowded stores and blowout deals. But with everything going on this year, we can expect Black Friday to look a little different this year. Retailers are getting creative on ways they can make sales without overcrowding stores. See the ways retailers are utilizing online marketing and curb-side pickup to increase their Black Friday sales.
Essential or non-essential?: The lockdowns are affecting everyone differently, especially since the workforce is now broken into two categories: essential (grocers, pharmacies, and home improvement purveyors) and nonessential (everyone else). Retailers in the second group are demanding change as Covid-19 cases rise.
Level up: A great retail store manager develops teams, continually inspires and elevates morale. As of lately, it has become a job that requires you to be increasingly tech-savvy. See what you can do to level up your retail management.
Life beyond earth: The question that has been asked for thousands of years may finally be answered: Does life exist beyond Earth?
ALS ice bucket challenge: The man who created the beloved Ice Bucket Challenge has died at 37.
Thanksgiving: Stay home this Thanksgiving without the guilt of avoiding family.
Black Friday deals: Black Friday is already in full effect. Get a jump start on your holiday shopping with these deals out now.
Movies: Is the time of watching movies in theaters coming to an end? With over 700 theaters closing in the last week, the future of the cinema experience is unknown.